
Release notes

Version 5.7.3: 2024-08-14
  • Unit listing CSV export bug is fixed.
Version 5.7.2: 2024-08-09
  • Parcel column is added to the unit listing page.
  • Purchase Orders can now be deleted if no unit is registered.
  • TGS logo is changed.
Version 5.7.1: 2024-08-01
  • The location filter on the unit list page now supports multi-select with region/country options.
  • New manufacturing report is added for bad status flagged issues.
  • Node factory - ZXPLR generate by list description is updated for SN format.
Version 5.7.0: 2024-07-22
  • Z-nodes housing change bug is fixed.
Version 5.6.9: 2024-07-16
  • File upload feature is added on bad status change.
  • Flagged issues is now editable for bad status change logs.
  • QR Code is padded for ZXPLR, Z700, 6C, GPR300 node types.
  • Nested parcel archive status bug is fixed.
  • Nested parcel unit counts are now visible on parcel overview page.
Version 5.6.8: 2024-06-18
  • Application name is changed to NODETRAK.
  • ZXPLR and 6C part replacement feature is added.
  • Manufacturing reports are added.
  • Last status change and last repair columns are added to the unit list page.
  • Revive unit notification feature is added.
  • Nested parcel is improved with new ways of parcel adding.
Version 5.6.7: 2024-05-13
  • New node type 6C is added.
  • Tail hook from Z-700, Washer from Z-XPLR are removed.
Version 5.6.6: 2024-05-07
  • Inventory transfer feature is added for admin user.
Version 5.6.5: 2024-04-29
  • Region/Country and ACQ Project No fields are added to the location.
Version 5.6.4: 2024-04-09
  • Manufacturing with list of SN for ZXPLR is enabled.
  • Renew report is added to the monthly reporting.
Version 5.6.3: 2024-04-03
  • ZXPLR change housing fix.
  • Unit type is now editable.
  • Scrap report fix.
Version 5.6.2: 2024-03-21
  • Nested parcel feature is added.
  • Clone parcel feature is added.
  • Location name is now editable.
  • Missing unit fix for AU M3A.
Version 5.6.1: 2024-03-13
  • GPR300 bad status flags are added.
Version 5.6.0: 2024-03-07
  • New permission is added for receiving all units in parcel.
  • Part release support is added for BU and AU_M3A node types.
Version 5.5.9: 2024-03-06
  • Quarantine button is added for non-super users.
  • New permission is added for batch update.
  • Non-super user have access to batch update.
Version 5.5.6: 2024-02-29
  • New node type GPR300 is added.
  • Shipments with "In Transit" status is allowed to be canceled by super users.
Version 5.5.5: 2024-02-21
  • Part number selection added to the Manufacturing/Node factory for Z700.
  • Battery upgrade feature added for Z700.
  • Batch update feature added for status and location changes.
  • Quarantine status added for unit types.
Version 5.5.4: 2024-02-08
  • Improved sorting for the Z700 versions.
  • Prefix added to the Part number filter for ZXPLR.
Version 5.5.3: 2024-02-06
  • Fixed bug in Manufacturing/Load New CU Logs for registering new CUG2.
  • Fixed bug in jQuery dialog close.
  • Added bad status check boxes for Z700.
  • Improved sorting for the ZXPLR versions.
  • Part number filter added to the Unit listing for ZXPLR.
  • Part number selection added to the Manufacturing/Node factory for ZXPLR.
  • Global search improved for qrCode partial match.
Version 5.5.1: 2023-09-27
  • Fix bug in user overview list.
  • Removed ROV option for new locations.
Version 5.5.0: 2023-09-27
  • All dates are now ISO standard.
  • Fixed bug on exporting list of ZXPLR nodes.
  • All users will now always have access to see units and shipments.
  • Simplified user access functions.
  • Added seperate user access flags for making manufacuring POs and access to sales module.
  • Disabled sales service module.
  • Enabled all user departments for all user locations.
  • User departments no longer regulate access to functions.
  • Removed BU spring type overview.
  • Enabled sale of ZXPLR.
  • Enabled to have more than one customer.
  • Fixed bug on csv export of EOM-list.
  • Rebrand from Magseis Fairfield to TGS.
Version 5.4.0: 2023-08-28
  • Import CU logs page give warning if no POs are availible.
  • Fixed bug on "Location overview" page.
  • Code update and documentation for "Location overview" files.
Version 5.3.0: 2023-08-23
  • Enabled ZXPLR.
  • Fixed bug for MFL import.
  • Enable importing CUs with multiple active CU POs.
  • Added tab as valid separator when importing units into parcels.
  • Moved supplier batch and unit creation from PHP to MySQL.
  • Removed CU import by CSV list (used by Frikab).
  • Cleanup of unused code and files.
  • Fixed missing shipment info on parcel page.
  • Updated queries to use excute_query.
Version 5.2.0: 2023-06-12
  • Refactored search functionality
    • List multiple hit on none delivered units. These were invisible before.
    • New part groups in search drop down box in web page header.
    • Removed ajax call. Backend now redirects according to hits.
    • All unmounted parts can now be searched for.
  • Code cleanup, type setting and updated documentation.
  • Removed "Export data", under "Browse items" menu.
  • All JavaScript are merged into one file and minimized.
  • CSS framework file are minimized.
  • Improved CSV download, with animation on button while waiting for file.
  • Fixed bug, dashboard table columns not summed.
  • Updated monthly asset reporting and added a page for asset users to fetch.
Version 5.1.4: 2023-03-27
  • Fixed bug not finding finished build but not delivered MASS 3 AUs by QR.
Version 5.1.3: 2023-03-20
  • Fixed bug not finding MASS 3 AU under construction by QR.
  • Fixed bug making registred Housing on MASS 3 disappear.
Version 5.1.2: 2023-03-20
  • Fixed AD user lookup issue.
  • Users can no longer make new units on POs with "Make units"= No
Version 5.1.0: 2023-03-15
  • Bug fix: Kitron s/n scanning issue
  • Added possibility to add duplication mark for MASS III geophone assemblies
  • Prepared login for external users
  • Updated "Node factory" page with PO status overview, showing number of units ordered, delivered, under production and remaining on PO.
  • Fixed performance issues on single unit page and the "List all page"
  • Updated jQuery, ChartJS & Luxon to newest version
  • General PHP improvements
Version 5.0.0: 2023-02-15
  • Changed server and URL.
  • Changed from AD to Azure AD authentication.
  • Added support for uploading CU logs via web interface and added access for manufacturers.
  • Updated PHP version and other application dependencies.
  • Updated backend for CSV export.
  • Added confirmation dialog for scrapping or setting units to "Missing" or "Do not repair"
  • Added RFID as a standard unit propery
  • Removed secondary location for users
  • Added support for ZXPLR and Z700
  • Made changes to status Bad flags
    • Added grouping for the flags
    • Made flags for MASS 3 units
    • Added flags for ZXPLR
    • Revised the flags for MASS I to align with the MASS III and ZXPLR flags
  • Backend update at unit level to merge MASS I and MASS III in to one structure, also supporting Z-nodes
  • Moved part s/n validation and part tables update from Unit classes to the Part classes
Version 4.9.9: 06.09.2022
  • Updated Shipment module.
  • Updated export file name and print title for unit listing.
Version 4.9.7: 12.06.2022
  • Backend update and bug fixes.
Version 4.9.6: 12.01.2022
  • Updated ROV module.
  • Updated manufacturing pages.
Version 4.9.5: 30.12.2021
  • Updated sale and customer service module.
Version 4.9.4: 21.12.2021
  • Added new obsolete unit status "Missing" for units.
  • Purchase order overview link moved to Manufacturing menu.
  • Source code cleanup.
  • Minor bug fixes.
Version 4.9.3: 13.07.2021
  • Updated and moved Manufacturing PO module
  • Updated Manufacturing batch module
  • Removed Availibility page
Version 4.9.2: 07.04.2021
  • Added service information to unit page for customer repairs.
  • Added repair traveler for AU and BU repairs at Berget.
  • Updated "List all units" page
    • New CSV export. Removes the 10 000 line limitation.
    • Added support for listing units per "Service shipments" and "Service reports".
    • Location filter is no longer grouped.
    • Status menu is grouped in active and obsolete statuses.

    Changes in location and status filtering allow users to show both active and obsolete units at the same time.
  • Updated "List parts" page
    • Added more parts to list.
    • Moved from "Parts" menu to "MASS units" menu.
    • Removed MASS I generation 1 specific parts.
  • Added listing for all warranty replacements under Sale module.
Version 4.9.0: 07.02.2021
  • Sale module upgraded to include lease and loan of units.
  • Added support for Compass loggers.
Version 4.8.5: 09.07.2020
  • Customer shipment tracking module implemented for Manufacturing.
Version 4.8.0: 22.03.2020
  • Full support for MASS 3 and all reports/pages are prepared for additional unit types.
  • MASS2 BU and G1 AU, BU and CU are no longer a sub level AU, BU and CU, but considered as separate unit types.
  • Updated shipments and parcels.
    • Shipment numbers are now fixed on creation and do not include department.
    • Export link on shipment page is removed.
    • The database and queries have been optimized to respond faster, especially on "Shipment overview" and "Parcel overview" pages.
    • Parcels and shipment pages only show common unit information.
    • A button is added to see the shipment/ parcel in "List all page", allowing to add more filtering, information and to export this list.
  • Updated "List all units" page:
    • The uniqueness of the RFID decimal number can no longer be guarantied and is removed.
    • Generation column is removed.
    • Added column and filter for spring type and plate type for BUs.
    • Added column for o-ring change on BUs.
    • Added column and filter for CU G2 revision.
    • Added export to csv function.
    • Added supplier and owner columns and filters.
Version 4.7.0: 09.12.2019
  • Added basic support for manufacturing MASS 3 AU and BU.
    The MASS 3 support is not fully implemented and MASS 3 AUs and BUs will be missing on most pages and overviews.
  • Suppliers have access to view their active POs.
Version 4.6.0: 30.09.2019
  • Added support for Mass 1 dummy AU
  • Added manufacturing batches
    A batch is containing all units, of one kind, that a supplier have created during one week. Menu is available for contract manufacturers, finance and manufacturing.
  • Launched initial version of Sales menu for manufacturing and finance.
Version 4.5.0: 24.06.2019
  • Purchase Order menu released for finance.
  • Shipments
    • New parcel listing in single shipments. Now shows detailed number of items.
    • New filtering for shipment and parcel overviews.
    • New algorithm for shipments and parcels, improving the load speed. This also affects loading speed of pages for single units.
  • Administrators got a page for listing all locations with their configuration.
  • Added page for listing all sold MASS items.
  • Add a new S/n format for sensor module/geophone assembly.
  • Multiple minor bug fixes.
Version 4.4.0: 15.02.2019
  • Hidden G1 units in overview.
  • Multiple ROV locations.
  • Reused CSACs count in PO.
  • QR in sn_change.
  • Hidden units sold to BGP in listing and overviews.
Version 4.3.1: 27.09.2018
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Suppliers can register new products on PO.
  • Added support for CU G2R5.
Version 4.3.0: 18.09.2018
  • Fixed bug: Lost project units not returned.
  • Fixed bug: When registering multiple bad flags all was registered as "Flooded".
  • Fixed bug: Not possible to change name and description on parcels.
  • Updated MASS Export page.
  • Unit test: No longer require that all tests are registered if one test fails.
  • PO and batch register released for Manufacturing.
Version 4.2.0: 24.07.2018
  • Opened for "Project"function on multiple operations.
  • Added function to import list of units to send/receive in projects.
Version 4.1.0: 21.06.2018
  • Renamed node house (NH) to Analog Unit (AU).
  • Added a "Refresh" button for most tables. Making it possible to refresh tables without resetting filters.
  • Bug fixes including:
    • Fixed long loading time for shipment pages and units added to shipments.
    • Gives feedback when log in fails.
    • Search for Long Life BU fixed.
    • Case-insensitive search (SUPTEC-183).
  • Update on shipments
    • Added AU, BU and CU count in shipments overview.
    • Fixed sender and receiver filters in overview.
    • Locked parcels can be removed from open shipment.
  • Update on parcels
    • Added AU, BU and CU count in parcel overview.
    • Users that can see all locations can now also see parcels from all locations in the overview.
    • Open, Locked and Sent/In transit tables only show outgoing parcels. "Content verification" only shows received parcels.
    • Super users and asset managers can: Receive all units at once, import serial number lists and flush open parcel for all units.
    • When making a new parcel a warning is given if a parcel with the same name already exist on the location.
    • Parcel ID and name is added to printouts.
    • Renaming parcels are possible.
    • Parcels can have descriptions.
  • Changes on unit level
    • Manufacturers can register what test and calibrations that have been performed, and if it failed.
    • Removed "Repair category" for analog units.
    • Operators at "offshore" locations can now change PRV, but not RFID.
  • Add location to status logs for statistical purposes.
  • Added unit generation,status date and log location in export of bad tags.
  • End of month yearly overview can be filtered on generation.
Version 4.0.1: 23.11.2017
  • Added lens change date as a column in MASS unit listing.
  • Fixed bug not setting sent units in transit.
Version 4.0.0: 12.11.2017
  • Shipping lists have been replaced by a module with Shipments and Parcels.
  • Change of active user location has been moved from the Dashboard page to the web page header.
Version 3.9.1: 11.10.2017
  • Added a separate "Update QR" on single units.
    This function is only available for Good units at Berget.
  • Lens update is logged in status log.
Version 3.9.0: 02.10.2017
  • Added CSAC as a separate item.
    • CSACs can be listed in a dedicated "Parts listing" and can be studied as a single item.
    • The single item page contain basic information about the CSAC including status history, location history and mounted history. Mounted CSAC has a link to the CU it belongs to, and vice versa.
    • CSACs can at this point not be sent in shipping list.
Version 3.8.3: 16.06.2017
  • Replaced "In Shipping" filter in "List all".
    The new "In use" filter let users see what units that are locked to shipping list, project transfer list or are registered as assembled for ROV operation.
  • Added new sensor serial number format.
  • Added registering of status LED for retrieved nodes in ROV module.
  • Updated Project module
    • Added limiting of list sizes.
    • Made the SQL queries faster.
Version 3.8.2: 02.06.2017
  • Updated ROV module.
  • Added status action buttons for casings.
Version 3.8.1: 30.05.2017
  • Updated ROV module.
Version 3.8.0: 29.05.2017
  • Added module for matching casing and nodes for CoP ROV job.
  • Made it possible to remove/deactivate obsolete status Bad tags.
Version 3.7.0: 15.05.2017
  • Added new user access flag called "Super user".
    Super users can:
    • Eject units from active shipping lists and return them to the sender.
    • Upgrade and downgrade lenses, including to lens types that are outdated.
    • Change or remove serial numbers on units without setting them in Repair or any other edit statuses.
  • Bug fix in LPO and SIC search.
  • CU G2 units are tagged with or without temperature sensor.
  • Berget is now allowed to access to manufacturing of AU and BU units.
  • BU 1 and BU 2 cards now support 8 digits serial number.
Version 3.6.0: 07.04.2017
  • Improved the "Sign in" functionality.
  • Removed units not delivered from the location statistics and feature "End of month" statistics.
  • Fixed bug: missing "Lost at sea" button. ATH users can now also mark units as BGP as lost.
  • Damaged housing
    • Can only be set from Convert or Repair status.
    • When setting status the user can release remaining parts.
Version 3.5.0: 31.03.2017
  • Added statuses in location table in "Location and status overview" page.
  • Updated user administration page.
  • Mass shipping page now has an own table for shipments that are temporarily stored at a location, awaiting to be forwarded.
  • Updated manufacturing page.
    • Units can be filtered on type, status and if they are in registered in a shipping list or not.
    • Added info boxes with status vs number of units.
  • "End of month" page replaces "Finance" page.
    • The page is moved to the Administration menu.
    • The month numbers for new,scraped, etc. are update on the fly.
    • Status is now also included in the End of month count.
Version 3.4.0: 06.03.2017
  • Shipments can be received at Bomlo Storage without dismantling the shipping list.
  • Added e-mail notification functionality.
    Shipments to Athene are notified to Magsys-support and shipments from Siemens Bømlo are notified to Manufacturing.
Version 3.3.0: 22.02.2017
  • Added lens type 'Glued Araldite 2011 v2'
  • Export: Added hydrophone material to nh_list.csv
  • Added secondary location for user.
    This enables users at Berget to get access to Magseis Storage, without granting access to all locations.
Version 3.2.1: 14.02.2017
  • A dump is created of a shipping list when it is sent. This dump is downloadable in CSV format.
Version 3.2.0: 08.02.2017
  • Updated Shipment module
  • Fixed bug occurring when registering PRV O-ring type on high latency Internet connection.
  • Removed the "Remove anode" for nodes.
  • Added new status "Damaged Housing" for Node houses.
    Node housings must now be set in status "Damaged Housing" before scrapping. Only Magseis offices and Berget can set status "Damaged Housing".
Version 3.1.0: 30.01.2017
  • A basic Manufacturing module is added.
    The module is only available for Siemens Bømlo.
  • PRV can now be registered with original or teflon o-ring. The registered value will follow the PRV serial number.
  • Geophones can now be added to node houses.
    The X,Y and Z geophones can be added after the sensor unit serial number have been added. The geophones is paired with, and will follow the sensor serial number.
  • The check that all serial numbers are added, when editing a unit, is now limited only to service locations.
Version 3.0.0: 25.01.2017
  • Added Shipment register module for Artemis Athene.
    The register replaces two spread sheets, found in share point, for selecting shipment numbers and registering packing lists and commercial invoice.
  • Added a check that all serial numbers are added when editing a unit.
Version 2.8.2: 02.01.2017
  • Fixed bug in "auto generate shipping list number" function. Counter was not reset on new year.
  • Fixed bug on finance page. "Choose month" select box was broken.
Version 2.8.1: 15.12.2016
  • Fixed bug on "List all units" page
    The bug removed the option for filtering on status for users that only can see their own location.
Version 2.8.0: 14.12.2016
  • Added titles on print out pages.
    To make pages more print friendly, all menus are removed on printing. Titles, with additional information, are added on print.
  • Opened for change of QR-code on Athene.
  • Added columns in shipping lists and on "List all units" page showing if a unit has water damage or is in Status 8.
    On the "List all units" page these columns are only available when the list are filtered on "Bad" units.
  • Made changes on "Finance" page.
    The changes are related to the table showing the number of new deliveries,converted nodes etc..
    • The data are made static. The figures are generated and saved at the end of the month.
    • Added a link for downloading serial numbers of all units that are a part of the statistic, as a csv file.
  • Made changes on "Status vs location" overview page.
    • Added a total column for statuses and a grand total cell.
    • Added a link for downloading the table as a csv file.
Version 2.7.0: 29.11.2016
  • Removed option for tagging hydrophone as made of titan.
    Hydrophone quality is now tracked by serial number. This also affect the filter on "List all units" page. Instead of choosing to see titan hydrophones or not, now you choose what metal you want to show.
  • Added finance page.

    The finance page has to tables. The first table is dynamic and shows the number of new deliveries,converted nodes, scrapped or lost units per month each year.

    Table two shows, in figures, location of all units at the end of a month. These figures are generated and saved at the end of month.

  • Added a new overview page.
    The new overview show number of units on each location versus the status of each unit.
Version 2.6.0: 21.10.2016
  • Added an option on "List all units" page for filtering on units added to a shipping list or not.
  • Added a new menu on "Project page" for listing returned units.
    The list automatically shows returned nodes the last 24 hours. The time frame can be adjusted by the user.
  • New export menu with two access levels.
    Users with Level 2 access can export csv files for Battery units and Control units in addition to Node houses. The users can also export serial number changes and list of bad tags set on units.
Version 2.5.0: 26.09.2016
  • Added "Anode removed" flag on node houses.
  • Added filter for node housing in "List all units".
    When only Node houses is shown an extra filter menu is added, with options for filter on Lens type, if hydrophone is in titan and if anodes are removed from node.
  • Fixed auto assigning and trimming of CU s/n.
  • Fixed bug in search.
  • Removed temporarily menu for making new CUs at Frikab.
Version 2.4.0: 14.09.2016
  • Fixed bugs occurring in Safari and MS Edge
  • Added a temporarily menu for making new CUs at Frikab.
Version 2.3.0: 09.09.2016
  • Startup page
    • Page has been renamed to Dashboard.
    • Added switch for "Active location". The switch is for users with user privileges to ship or edit units on other locations, than their home location.
  • Added Project module
    The project module is a tool for keeping track of what nodes that have been send and returned from the vessel, to be used on another site, in a survey. This functionality replaces the use of shipping lists and allow units to be sent to another location without having to be received or send back of any user on that location. The project menu is only shown for users at the project main vessel (Athene) or people that can represent the main vessel.
  • Shipping module
    • Auto generating shipping list names.
    • Enabled edit of receiver and unit type for shipping list.
    • Improved unit scan scan.
    • Added unit count column in overview.
    • Review of list menu layout.
    • Included unit counter in all states of a list.
    • Scan mode = received.
  • Unit lists This are updates for the pages "List all units", "Shipping list" and "Search result list"
    • Limit size of listings.
    • Can set custom number of units to show.
    • Fixed sorting.
    • Added column for Lens type and LPO
  • List all units page
    • Added filter on delivery date
    • Obsolete units are now longer listed under "All".
  • Unit page
    • Added button for receiving units that needs to be verified received.
    • Added Project related buttons.
    • Removed the Submit button. Click the Qr-code instead.
    • "In transit" logs now show what shipping list the unit was sent with.
    • Moved the button for editing unit status comments into the comment field.
    • Added Lens type on node houses.
  • Obsolete units is separated in an own table in Overview.
  • Added Cross scripting protection.
  • Parts registered as new parts but not submitted are now searchable.
Version 2.2.a : 25.04.2016
  • Introduced LPO for CU g2 and a button for upgrading CU with LPO.
  • Added an option to eject unit serial numbers on units in edit mode.
  • Added counter for number of AU, CU, BU in addition to the total amount of units registered in the list.
  • Scanner based operation of units at service.
    An common scan field is added in single unit view. As long as the input field has focus all scans of new serial numbers will be automatically assigned. An "submit qr-code" is displayed on the page. Scan or click this field to submit.
  • Added "Scan to shiplist".
    When building a shipping list, open the shipping list and place the marker (mouse click in the input field) in the "Scan Qr-code or RFID" field. Scan units you want to add to the shipping list. List is automatically updated.
  • Added "Receive scan".
    When receiving shipping lists a dialog show up. Check "Scan received units" and accept. Open the shipping list and place the marker (mouse click in the input field) in the "Scan Qr-code or RFID" field. Scan units you want to receive. List is automatically updated. Scan can also be done from the "Shipping lists" page. The scan checks all shipping lists in "receive by scan" mode at your location.
  • Added editing of comments on a unit's current status.
Version 2.1.0 : 15.03.2016
  • Added control for setting max age for received shipping list on the "Shipping lists" overview page.
    The age can be adjusted by clicking on the underlined day number, in the list title.
  • Added list sorting.
    Unit, user and shipping lists can now be sorted by column. Move the mouse pointer over a column title. If the mouse pointer changes to a hand then the list is sortable. Click on the column title to sort the list by the column. Click again and the list will switch between ascending and descending order.
  • Added new images for generation 2 units.
  • Added "Lost at sea" log.
    When a unit is set to "Lost at sea" a dialog pops up for entering receiver line, ground station and the date when the unit was lost. Max length of reviver line name is 16 characters. The ground station name can be max 6 numeric characters.
  • Added trimming of scanned labels.
    When scanning QR-codes and other part labels into the search input field the scanned string is trimmed for unwanted data. If the part type is identified in the label the search will only search on this unit type.

    It is also possible to scan labels directly into the input fields for repair and upgrade of units. If a label is scanned into wrong field the scanned string will not be trimmed.
Version 2.0.0 : 12.02.2016
  • The database now store all parts, like CSAC and Hydrophone, in own tables with status and location of the part.
  • Changed layout on unit page.
    • The info has been centered in the middle of the page and are more flexible to screen resolution.
    • All edit buttons have been removed.
    • "Change log" and "Current notes" have been replaced by Location and Status logs.
    • A menu has been added on right hand side of page.
    • Shipping box has been moved into the menu and is thus closer to the search box.
    • Unit QR-code is now shown on the browser page tab.
  • Added action buttons in the right hand side menu.
  • The actions buttons replace status dialog window. Statuses are based on what actions user make. Action is limited by user rights and location of units. For example, a unit cannot be set as lost at sea unless it is registered as on board a vessel. Super user can override the action buttons and set status manually.
  • Unit can no longer be repair without first make a "Repair" action.
  • Node houses can now be convert from generation 1 to generation 2.
  • On repair, conversion or scrapping units parts can be kept mounted, freed from the unit and scrapped.
  • New logging on units.
    • The unit change log has been split into location, status and parts change log.
    • Parts that are removed or replaced are now also logged.
    • Part changes are shown in the note of the status where the part was added, removed or replaced.
  • All dialog boxes has been replaced.
  • Support for Long life battery units is added.
Version 1.2.3 : 02.11.2015
  • Fixed bug: Unactivated locations is no longer shown.
  • URLs from QR-code scan are automatically removed on search.
    If one scan QR-code directly into the search field, the URL in the QR-code is automatically removed on search. This enables scan and search with hand-held QR-scanner without manual editing.
  • When changing serial numbers, QR-codes etc. the input will now be stored in uppercase.
  • Node house G2 AFE s/n and Sic s/n can now be edited.
  • An option/flag is added to hydrophone, telling if the hydrophone is made in titan or not.
  • The order of active shipping lists in the shipping list overview are reversed.
Version 1.2.1 : 30.09.2015
  • The overview page of all units can now show statuses for each location.
  • Changes in shipping list
    • New layout on side menu.
    • Lists can by relayed once.
    • Empty lists can be deleted.
  • Improved limitations on user access.
  • Minor bug and layout fixes.
Version 1.2.0 : 10.09.2015
  • Added functionality to filter on generation in "List all units" listing.
  • Changes in shipping list pages.
    • Receiver of shipping list must be set at creation of shipping list. The receiver can be altered at the point of sending.
    • Receiver is now shown in side / control box on shipping list page.
    • Data has been rearranged and some columns have changed titles on the shipping lists overview page to make it more intuitive.
  • Added user restrictions.
    • Added user administrator page.

    User setup and restrictions:
    • Set user home location.
    • Home location: See only / Can ship
    • Other locations: Hidden / Visible / Can ship / Move without shipping lists.
    • Node houses: Hidden / Visible / Basic edit / Full edit.
    • Control units: Hidden / Visible / Basic edit / Full edit.
    • Battery units: Hidden / Visible / Basic edit / Full edit.
    • Export node house data: Yes/No.
  • Added user page.
    The page is now start page and contains a status overview of all units at and a list of all shipments from or to the users home location.
  • Units set to status "Lost at sea" or "Scrapped" are automatically set to location "Obsolete".
Version 1.1.0 : 10.07.2015
  • Fixed bug in new user assignment.
  • Fixed bug disabling user to change BU1 or BU2 card s/n.
  • Fixed bug showing some unit in flag that should not be flagged.
  • Changed the overview page to differentiate between G1 and G2 unit."
  • Changes and bug fixes in shipping list.
    • Fixed bug displaying receiver location as the same as sender location, in the shipping overview.
    • Fixed bug showing unit type as number in shipping overview.
    • Lined up the "Received listing" with the active lists.
    • Received listing now shows receive time instead of send time.
  • Converted RFID support form decimal to hexadecimal numbers.
    The RFID decimal numbers used are not the correct id for the RFID chip. In current database the deviation between the real RFID number and the registered RFID decimal number is same for all RFIDs. The correct RFID decimal number is the registered RFID decimal number + 2^32. From now on only hexadecimal RFID numbers can be edited.
  • Added an option for the user to choose what data columns to display for the various listing views.
  • Added a page for export of node house data.
    All node houses with serial numbers, status, location, etc. are exported to listing.csv. All change logs for node houses are exported to log.csv. The files are automatically stored in the users default download folder. Users of these files will have to link this data their self.
  • Added support for Node House generation 2.
    Because of undecided AFE and SIC serial number naming, the option of editing AFE and SIC for node house g2 have been disabled.
  • Added new BAD status flag.
    New flag for Node House: Hydrophone corrosion
  • Removed Tronerud Engineering and Robot Norge as locations.
Version 1.0.0 : 04.05.2015
  • Added tick of boxes for be most common issues, when units are set to status=bad
  • Added Shipping list feature
    First you'll have to make a list.
    • Move mouse pointer over "Listing" in header.
    • Press "Shipping lists". (This page shows all shipping)
    • Press "New list" button. (Location must be the location the units are shipped from.)

    When you have made be shipping list go to detail view of the units you want to ship. Here you will find a tick of box with the list name. The unit is added to the list when the list is ticked of. Please note that units in shipping lists cannot change location individually. Remove the unit from be list or use the shipping list to change location.

    When you tick of a unit, remember to refresh the shipping list window to see that the unit has been added.

Version 0.9.0 beta : 16.02.2015
  • First version!